Standing for CMA Council

April 5, 2023
Jason Rosam
Most people reading this are very busy people with little spare time, so asking whether you have time to become more involved in community radio may sound like a huge ask!

However, if you did want to get more involved at a wider level, then standing for the CMA Council could be a great way to do this. The CMA is run by a Council who are elected by the CMA membership at our AGM which, this year, takes place at the end of April.

What’s needed in being a Council member?

Well, time is one important thing. The Council meet approximately 4 times a year, on a Saturday, sometimes physically, sometimes online. In between these meetings there is a lively Council WhatsApp group that discuss relevant matters. The Council are also assisted by our voluntary advisors.

The CMA is a legal entity and Council members are therefore directors of the not-for-profit association and there are certain qualities and experiences that the CMA Council, indeed any Council, are looking for. Some of the skills and experience that would be welcome are diversity and inclusion, networks and connections, marketing, business acumen, social entrepreneurism, and public service.

If you are interested in standing for the CMA Council click here to download a guide outlining the responsibilities that come from being a CMA Council member.

In terms of practical steps, if you wish to stand for Council this year then there are there is a timetable you need to be aware of. Nominations for Council are open from now until one minute to midnight (!) on Friday 14 April.

You will need to complete a nomination form which can be found and downloaded by clicking here.

You are strongly encouraged to also write a personal statement that will be distributed to the CMA membership.

A guide to how to write a personal statement can be downladed by clicking here.

For more information or to talk any of this through, Dom Chambers, CMA Chair, is happy for you to contact him on

CMA Council 2023 left to right. TOP: Jason Rosam, Terry Lee, Dom Chambers, Danny Lawrence, Vijay Umaro, Suzie Stevens. BOTTOM: Javed Sattar, Richard Hilton, Sian Medford

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